Mes paysages : la musique Au début était probablement un son, une ondulation. La musique est un lieu très mystérieux, très contradictoire. c’est un territoire abstrait et matériel, émotionnel et mathématique. C’est un paysage sans voir.
Et pourtant l’on voit. Pour peindre la musique, il faut écouter et attendre, attendre de trouver les instruments.
Steve Reich music “At the opening of any Steve Reich work, an idea sounds and begins to resonate outward. The reflections created by this idea are of such an exquisite nature that you feel the composer is dealing with the purest form that music can have. In the same way that physicists are searching for the meaning of the universe in the smallest particles that make it up, Steve’s music deals wth the most profound secrets of how music comes into being. Steve not only sees the world in a grain of sand, he sets it vibrating….
Steve Reich creations make us actively aware of our own listening experience. His is a musical mirror held up to remind us of what it means to be alive and united by sound.” David robertson, 2006.